Default PHP changed to v8.2

Our default PHP on all servers have been updated to PHP 8.2. There are no plans, at this moment, to remove PHP 7.4 support from our servers, however we have removed PHP 8.0 (marked as EOL) and PHP 8.1 (marked as Security fixed only).It is very important to update your website to make sure it will work with PHP 8.2, as soon as possible, as we will ... Read More »

2nd Jul 2024
Disabling of Plaintext Authentication for FTP and E-mail

Due to security updates, we are no longer accepting non-secure FTP or Email connections to our servers.   FTP Configuration If you receive the following message (or similar) ... "Connection failed.Sorry, cleartext sessions and weak ciphers are not accepted on this server.Please reconnect using TLS security mechanisms." ... when trying to ... Read More »

5th Apr 2024
Default PHP changed to v8.1

Our default PHP on all servers have been updated to PHP 8.1, due to PHP 7.4 being marked as EOL (as of the November 28, 2022). There are no plans, at this moment, to remove PHP 7.4 and 8.0 support from our servers.To ensure that all websites continue to work, any sites currently using PHP 7.4, has been configured to continue to use PHP 7.4 and not ... Read More »

28th Feb 2023
Default PHP changed to v7.4

Our default PHP on all servers has been updated to PHP 7.4, due to PHP 7.3 being marked as EOL (as of the 18th November 2021). We are continuing to support PHP 7.3 for at least 3 months (we will give notice when we plan on doing this) to give you time to update your web scripts, you can downgrade your site to PHP 7.3 by using the "MultiPHP ... Read More »

14th Feb 2022
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